快訊》CZ:幣安已凍結 Harmony 駭客「124 枚 BTC」贓款

發表於 2023-01-16 20:01 作者: 區塊鏈情報速遞pro

(背景補充:ZachXBT:Harmony 駭客利用 Railgun 轉移 6,450 萬鎂贓款,元兇指向北韓拉撒路 )


早加密 KOL,被稱為鏈上偵探的 ZachXBT 稱 Harmony 駭客再度轉調大筆贓款,通過隱私協議 Railgun,轉送 6,450 萬美元的贓款,並流向 3 間加密交易所。

幣安(Binance)交易所趙長鵬(CZ)執行長在今下午發布推特,稱幣安團隊偵測到 Harmony 駭客轉移資金,已凍結其帳戶,並鎖定了 124 枚比特幣。CZ 稱:

這次駭客利用火必(Houbi)轉帳,幣安協助火必團隊結凍了駭客的帳號。我們一起找回了 124 顆比特幣贓款。 CeFi 協助 DeFi 用戶資產安全!

We detected Harmony One hacker fund movement. They previously tried to launder through Binance and we froze his accounts. This time he used Huobi. We assisted Huobi team to freeze his accounts. Together, 124 BTC have been recovered. CeFi helping to keep DeFi #SAFU! ?

— CZ ? Binance (@cz_binance) January 16, 2023

波場(Tron)創辦人、火必交易所領導顧問孫宇晨也發文回覆 CZ,表示火必很自豪能與幣安團隊合作,偵測出並阻止了 Harmony 駭客透過火必交易所洗錢的不法行為。

We're proud to announce that thanks to our dedicated team and collaboration with @binance, we were able to detect and prevent a Harmony One hacker from attempting to launder funds through @HuobiGlobal. https://t.co/7D2MSo8TEX

— H.E. Justin Sun??????₮ (@justinsuntron) January 16, 2023


 ZachXBT:Harmony 駭客利用 Railgun 轉移 6,450 萬鎂贓款,元兇指向北韓拉撒路

1億鎂跨鏈橋駭案》Harmony 發佈補償提案:將硬分叉增加 ONE 幣供應

Tags: CZHarmony幣安趙長鵬駭客

標題:快訊》CZ:幣安已凍結 Harmony 駭客「124 枚 BTC」贓款


